Thank you for your continued prayers for Rebekah. It has been some time since we updated the blog and felt it was time to bring you up to date. A number of folks have been asking us for an update on her current situation.
Since we last wrote we indicated that the consultants at Sick Kids had decided to in their words take the sticky plaster away and see what happens. It has taken us till now to come down off the steroids. This has been a very trying time for us as we have gone through behavioural swings like you would not believe unless you have experienced them. During this period of steroid reduction we have started to notice small signs of symptoms returning with Rebekah. To the extent that during the last couple of weeks there has been a number of instances where it has been evident that she has lost words from her vocabulary.
In addition to noticing issues with her language we have had a meeting with the school who have shared with us their concerns regarding her current education needs and the fact that some days she does exceptionally well and then other the work bears no resemblance to the work being done. We also had a report from the Educational Psychologist who has also confirmed issues going on.
Given all of the above we decided the time had come to speak further to the consultant about the issues. Having done this yesterday we were taken a back today to receive a call from the hospital to inform us that Rebekah will have an emergency scan on Friday morning this week. We are to keep her up till midnight on Thursday and then wake her up at 5am and keep her up until she gets to the hospital. The hope is that they will get her with sleep deprivation and hopefully capture what is going on.
We would appreciate your prayers for her this week and continuing to go forward. Jillian and I have tried over these past months not to get our hopes up with Rebekah coming off the medication until we knew that the result was going to positive. So far though we are not convinced and would just ask that you continue to uphold us all in your prayers at this time.
Every blessing
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