Apologies for the delay in updating Rebekah's blog as of late. Our family life in the last few months has been nothing short of chaotic. To bring you up to date Rebekah last monday, 28th March, went into Sick Kids in Edinburgh (RHSC) for a 24 hr video telemetry EEG scan. This was requested by our Cons, whom we are to see in May, following a conversation the Cons had with us in the last couple of weeks as we had been informed by the School that she was losing concentration within the classroom and unable to retain information that was given to her in a short space of time. Also we had noticed symtoms creeping back in at home again which we were concerned about. Along with the EEG scan Rebekah provided the Dr's with numerous specimens of blood for all the different Blood tests that are required. Some of the tests take up to 6 weeks to get reported on hence the length of time to the next Consultation meeting in May.
It is worthwhile pointing out that at that meeting in May we will once again see all 3 Consultants that Rebekah is under at RHSC. Two Cons are Rheumatology and of course our Neurology Cons. All of them have to consult with each other before any of her medication is altered. Once again it highlights the complexity of Rebekah's condition's when you have this level of committment from the medical team.
Rebekah has yet again visited St John's hospital (our local) today following a bout of sickness throughout last night along with a fever. At the GP's at lunchtime the Dr there requested that we take her up to the Paed's Dept as her urine sample showed she was dehydrated and ? UTI (urine infection). Since she was last there 3 weeks ago for similar symptoms and ended up being put on IV fluids and antibiotics nobody was taking any chances this time round. However, the sample provided up there was inconclusive and the Dr;s were not prepared to start her on an antibiotic without establishing the point of source of infection. As a result she was sent home and we were told that if her symptoms changed over the next 24 hours then we were to go straight to the Childrens ward again, bypassing A&E and NHS24.
Rebekah;s current medication is as follows: in the mornings she takes her Clobazam (anti-convulsant), Azathioprine (immuno-suppressant) and Prednisolone (6mg) and in the evenings she takes Clobazam + Azathioprine. This is a mixture of tablets and liquid medication.
Prayer points:
1 That she continues to be really good at taking her medication.
2 For the Consulation meeting at RHSC in May.
3 For strength for her, her siblings Abigail and David, and her parents.
Rebekah, the past few times she has been in hospital either as an Out-patient or In-patient, has been quite emotional throughout the whole process. She is now more aware of the goings on and picks up more now when the Dr's are talking to us about her and her conditions. So she is very sensitive about anyone talking about her or to her.
We are currently seeing Epilepsy Scotland and Sleep Scotland. One of the biggest problems we have at the moment is that Rebekah finds it extremely hard to get to sleep at night. More often than not Jillian can still be trying to settle her at 10pm having started the process at 8.30pm. Please pray that:
4 She will fall asleep earlier.
5 For her Dad, who is currently very unwell with a perforated ear drum, ear infection and throat infection which as of tonight he is now on his 4/5 antibiotic and more painkillers. He has also been quite sick as well. Not sure if its the change of antibiotic or the "bug" that Rebekah has kindly passed on.
No doubt more could be written but do please continue to pray for Rebekah and uphold us as a family before the Throne of Grace. We keep trusting, praying and looking to Jesus for help, guidance, patience and strength.
After a week of trying to persuade a one year old to take his anti-biotic four times a day, I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to have to give so many medicines every single day!
ReplyDeleteSaid one year old is also a very, very poor sleeper (thanks to his skin troubles) so I have some sympathy with you on that count too.
We will continue to remember you all in prayer as you face all these challenges. Our older boys actually remember to pray for Rebekah in their own prayers, as they remember her from the Tuesday club.